Matches: 4
Wins: 1
Losses: 3
Ties: 0
Streak: 0
Win %: 25.0
Comming Soon! Bio's


Reporter Rating Opponent Rating Match Result Reported On Resolved On
+19 - Man in the moon 1473 -19 - Yew_ 1495 Reporter wins. 9/6/2021 12:08 PM 9/6/2021 12:12 PM
+15 - Yew_ 1514 -15 - Man in the moon 1454 Reporter wins. 9/6/2021 11:40 AM 9/6/2021 12:07 PM
+15 - Ar00nDELL 1531 -15 - Man in the moon 1469 Reporter wins. 9/5/2021 2:34 PM 9/7/2021 2:50 PM
+16 - Ar00nDELL 1516 -16 - Man in the moon 1484 Reporter wins. 9/5/2021 2:09 PM 9/7/2021 2:50 PM

Head to Head

Name Matches Wins Losses Ties Win % Net Rank
Yew_ 2 1 1 0 50.0 +4
Ar00nDELL 2 0 2 0 0.0 -31